This is the most controversial item on the list! A recent study suggested that blue light-blocking glasses don’t improve the symptoms of digital eye strain. Here are five things I do to keep my eyes feeling OK. 5 Tips for Not Absolutely Destroying Your Eyes (Obviously, go talk to an eye doctor if you’re having eye problems.) But there are a few simple steps you can take to treat your eyes better. More than a year into the pandemic, with the increase in screen time and less time outside your home, you might have a similar eye strain problem. Thankfully, between my eye doctor’s advice and learning more about ergonomics from Twitter chats and conference presentations, I’ve figured out how to take better care of my eyes. I was on my computer for a minimum of eight hours a day, editing for most of that time, and I didn’t know how to take care of my eyes while working on a computer all day.
When I first got out of college and began editing full time, my eyesight kept getting worse each year and I had eye strain. I had my annual eye exam a few weeks ago, and I was surprised and relieved to hear that my eyesight hadn’t gotten worse in the past year.